

I read another article the other day saying that a lot of Japanese women are becoming addicted to Pachinko.


Actually, the figures they gave were quite low (something like 1 or 2%), but it got me thinking that Pachinko might be an interesting topic for this blog.

I have never played Pachinko in my life. Actually, I have never even been into a Pachinko parlor, because I am not interested in gambling, and I hate cigarette smoke.


I used to have a friend whose father played Pachinko a lot, though, and I remember him telling me that it was great for relieving stress.


He said that when he sat in front of a Pachinko machine, he just forgot about all his problems and became totally absorbed in the game.

When I lived in Shiroishi ku in Sapporo, my apartment was next to a Pachinko parlor, and I used to see huge lines of people queuing up in the morning waiting for it to open.


I remember thinking, "These people need to get a life!", but "each to his own," I guess. 
Another thing that foreigners find amusing about pachinko is that it is another one of those things in Japan that is actually illegal, but that everyone pretends not to notice - even the police!

I have heard that you can only win prizes at pachinko parlors, but then if you take those prizes around to a small window at the back, they will buy them from you for money. Is this true?
Anyway, I was wondering whether any of you play pachinko, or whether someone you know plays it.

What is the attraction? Why do people get so hooked on it? Do you think it is just harmless fun, or do you think it is a dangerous form of gambling?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Herbivore Men

Thank you for your explanations of "my" and "of my own."

”My”と”of my own" に関する説明、有り難うございます。

Tomo's explanation is basically correct.


If you say "my" something, it means that you already own it (or your family does), so you cannot say "my" to talk about things that you want to obtain in the future. (Of course, "my" can also be used to talk about things that are not possessions, such as "my school" and "my country.")


"My own" is just used to emphasize the idea of ownership in contexts where that might be in question.

"my own” は議論の中心になる文脈の所有に関する考えを強調するために使われます。

If you were talking about buying a house or a car, the most natural way to say it would be "I want to buy a house / car." You would only say "of my own" if you already had the use of one but didn't really own it.

"I want to buy a house / car." 。あなたたちが "of my own" を言うことができるのは、もしあなたたちがすでにそれらを持っているときですが、しかし本当にそれを所有しているものではありません。

For example, if you shared a bedroom with your sister, you couldn't say "I want to get a bedroom" because you already have one.

"I want to get a bedroom" とは言えないでしょう、なぜならそれはすでに所有しているからです。

In that case, you would say "I want to get a bedroom of my own." Yu's example of "I want to buy my own house in the future" is also okay.

"I want to get a bedroom of my own." と言うことができますね。Yuの例 "I want to buy my own house in the future" でも良いでしょう。

The meaning is exactly the same as "a house of my own."

"a house of my own." と同じですね。
Anyway, this week's topic is herbivore men. (草食男性)← Is that the right kanji?


When I taught in New Zealand and the UK, I noticed that a lot of Japanese girls ended up with Korean boyfriends.


When I asked them about this, they said it's because Koreans look like Japanese, so they seem familiar, but they are more 男らしい.


This is probably because all Korean men have to do military service, but it may also have to do with the close relationship between boys and their mothers that is so common in Japan.


Basically, Japanese men have a bit of a reputation as being "mummy's boys."
There is actually an article about this on the Japan Today site.

このJapan Todayのサイトを見て下さい。

The article itself is quite interesting, but the comments are even more interesting because they show the opinions of both Japanese and non-Japanese people on this topic.


I would love to know what you all think after reading the comments, especially as so many of you have sons.

I guess the Japanese men might have something to say about it too!

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Sharing Bedrooms

I was talking to a friend last night about his kids, and a subject came up that I have been meaning to ask you about, so I decided to do another entry.


Actually, the same topic also came up last week when I was talking to another friend.

Both of these friends have a daughter.


One of them has two sons, and the other has one son.


The topic we were talking about was sleeping arrangements, because I was very surprised to hear that in both families, the daughters shared a room with their brother.


One of the girls is still very young, but the other is 11, and her brother is 12.

When I mentioned to the first friend that it seemed strange to me that a girl would share a bedroom with a boy, he said that his wife actually wanted it that way, and that it is quite a common situation in Japan.

Apparently, this is another example of a situation where the Western concept of "privacy" (for which, of course, Japanese does not even have a word) seems strange to Japanese people.


Anyway, I am quite interested in this, so I wanted to ask all of you what you think. Here are my questions:

1) Is it normal for brothers and sisters to share a bedroom in Japan?


2) If it is, what would be the maximum age for this? (If there is one.)


3) Did any of you share a bedroom with a sibling of the opposite sex when you were growing up?

4) Do you have the same situation with your own children now?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.