I went out with a Canadian friend the other day, and he told me an interesting story about something his wife did.
I know that many of you are mothers, so I am interested to hear what you think about this.
My friend's daughter is nine, and she came home from school one day and told her mother that she had homework to do.
Her mother asked her later, "Have you done your homework?" Her daughter said, "No, I'll do it tomorrow." The next day, she still hadn't done it, so her mother asked her again.
Again, the daughter made some excuse.
This went on for a few days, and my friend said he was very surprised that his wife never actually said to the girl "Do your homework."
After about a week, the teacher was still asking about the homework, and the daughter realized that she was going to get into trouble, so she started panicking.
My friend said he was very impressed at how his wife just let their daughter make her own mistakes so that she could learn from them.
This story reminded me of a very different story told to me by another friend.
This other friend had a son who was in high school.
My friend was American, and he was shocked to find that his wife was checking their son's schedule and packing his school bag for him every day.
His wife said, "But if I don't do it, he will forget something, and he'll get in trouble."
My friend said, "Yes, and he will learn from that."
I guess she felt that her job as a mother was to stop her child making mistakes, whereas my friend wanted his son to make mistakes and learn from them.
What do you think? Is a good mother one who stops her child making mistakes, or is it one who allows the child to make mistakes and learn from them?
あなたたちはどう思いますか?子供達の失敗を防ぐのが良い母親と思いますか、それとも子供の失敗を許し、そこから学ばせるほうが良いでしょうか?Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Her mother asked her later, "Have you done your homework?" Her daughter said, "No, I'll do it tomorrow." The next day, she still hadn't done it, so her mother asked her again.
Again, the daughter made some excuse.
This went on for a few days, and my friend said he was very surprised that his wife never actually said to the girl "Do your homework."
After about a week, the teacher was still asking about the homework, and the daughter realized that she was going to get into trouble, so she started panicking.
My friend said he was very impressed at how his wife just let their daughter make her own mistakes so that she could learn from them.
This story reminded me of a very different story told to me by another friend.
This other friend had a son who was in high school.
My friend was American, and he was shocked to find that his wife was checking their son's schedule and packing his school bag for him every day.
His wife said, "But if I don't do it, he will forget something, and he'll get in trouble."
My friend said, "Yes, and he will learn from that."
I guess she felt that her job as a mother was to stop her child making mistakes, whereas my friend wanted his son to make mistakes and learn from them.
What do you think? Is a good mother one who stops her child making mistakes, or is it one who allows the child to make mistakes and learn from them?
あなたたちはどう思いますか?子供達の失敗を防ぐのが良い母親と思いますか、それとも子供の失敗を許し、そこから学ばせるほうが良いでしょうか?Look forward to hearing your thoughts.