
A Mother's Job

I went out with a Canadian friend the other day, and he told me an interesting story about something his wife did.


I know that many of you are mothers, so I am interested to hear what you think about this.

My friend's daughter is nine, and she came home from school one day and told her mother that she had homework to do.


Her mother asked her later, "Have you done your homework?" Her daughter said, "No, I'll do it tomorrow." The next day, she still hadn't done it, so her mother asked her again.


Again, the daughter made some excuse. 


This went on for a few days, and my friend said he was very surprised that his wife never actually said to the girl "Do your homework." 


After about a week, the teacher was still asking about the homework, and the daughter realized that she was going to get into trouble, so she started panicking. 


My friend said he was very impressed at how his wife just let their daughter make her own mistakes so that she could learn from them.


This story reminded me of a very different story told to me by another friend.

This other friend had a son who was in high school. 


My friend was American, and he was shocked to find that his wife was checking their son's schedule and packing his school bag for him every day. 


His wife said, "But if I don't do it, he will forget something, and he'll get in trouble." 


My friend said, "Yes, and he will learn from that." 


I guess she felt that her job as a mother was to stop her child making mistakes, whereas my friend wanted his son to make mistakes and learn from them. 


What do you think? Is a good mother one who stops her child making mistakes, or is it one who allows the child to make mistakes and learn from them?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Things That Japanese Students Say

A friend of mine who is a school teacher sent me a link to a video that I thought you might like to see. Here it is.

I laughed when I watched this, but then I started thinking that there might be a serious issue behind this phenomenon.

As I mentioned in a previous post, my impression of the Japanese junior high and high school education system is that it sets out to teach students three things:

Don't ask questions.


Don't complain.


Do as you are told.

Thinking about it, though, there is also another very strong element to it, which is strengthening the idea that "We Japanese are all the same."


Everyone knows the saying "The nail that sticks up will be hammered down," and watching this video, it struck me how similar Japanese students are to each other. (My friend said that the video made her laugh because they are so accurate.)


Is that natural, or is it because that is how the schools are "training" students to be?


I may have told you this story before, but a friend of mine who was teaching in a junior high school got angry one day because of something the Japanese teacher he was working with said.

As she was introducing him, she said to the children, "This is Mr ..... He is from New Zealand, so he eats bread for breakfast."


She then added, "Mr ....., we are Japanese, so we eat rice for breakfast."


He was so sick of hearing this kind of rubbish that he said, "Okay, let's do a survey.

Please raise your hand if you had rice for breakfast this morning." Of course, it turned out that more than half the students had eaten bread.


What disturbed him was the fact that this teacher was trying to almost brainwash students into thinking that all Japanese people are the same, which, of course, they are not.

I have read many books saying that the purpose of the Japanese education system is to produce "clones" who will be the robot workers and housewives of the future.


I have met enough interesting and individual Japanese people to know that if this is the goal, it does not always work, but I would be interested to hear your stories.


When you were in school, did you feel under pressure to be the same as everyone else?


Was individuality frowned upon?

How about your children's education?

Have things changed since you were in school?

Look forward to reading your comments.

PS There are lots of similar videos linked to this one, so please let me know your impressions if you have time to watch them.

phenomenon    : 現象
sets out      : 提示する
strengthening  : 補強
sticks up      : 突き出た
accurate      : 正確
rubbish       : くだらない
survey        : 調べる
disturbed      : かき乱す
frown upon   : 不賛成する


3/11 One Year On

It is amazing to think that almost a year has passed since the terrible earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11th, 2011. This week, I am teaching an intensive course for the employees of a big company down in Toba, and one of my students was studying at Tohoko University this time last year. He told us about what happened that day, and hearing his story made me realise how many people's lives were affected by this terrible tragedy.


I thought it might be nice for us to remember the events of last year by thinking about where we were, what we were doing, and what we remember from that day. Here is my personal recollection of the events. It is not very interesting, but you might find some words and phrases that you can use.
私は私たちがその時にどこにいたか、何をしていたか、そしてその時から何を覚えているか、と言うことに対する思いによって去年のことを思い出すのにとても良いことかもしれない、と考えました。 まずは私の出来事を見つめ直してみました。それはあまり面白くないですが、しかしあなたたちはあなたたちが使うことができるいくつかの言葉、フレーズを探し出せるかもしれません。
On March 11th last year, I was driving to a company in Aichi for a meeting about some English classes. I think I must have been driving when the earthquake struck, because I didn't feel it at all. When I got to the company, the woman I was meeting said, "There has been a big earthquake in Tohoku," but I didn't really think about it too much because this is Japan, and earthquakes are an almost daily event.

I stayed at the company for about an hour and a half, and of course, my phone was switched to manner mode. When I left the company, I checked my phone and saw about 16 missed calls from my mother. I was worried that something terrible had happened, so I called her straight away. When she answered, she said, "Are you okay?" I said, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? What are you talking about?" She told me that the story of the earthquake and the pictures of the tsunami were all over the British TV, and it was then I realised that something really terrible must have happened. As soon as I got home, I turned on the TV and saw the horrific pictures that I'm sure everyone remembers. In addition, I saw the news about the Fukushima nuclear power station, and to be honest, that worried me even more than the news about the tsunami.

As I remember it, the next few days just seemed unreal. There was nothing on TV except news about the disaster, and there was talk about having to evacuate everyone from Tokyo if the nuclear disaster got any worse. Looking back on it now, the only direct effect the disaster had on my life was that things like bottled water disappeared from the shop shelves, but I think the psychological impact was much bigger than that. Of course, it could have been much, much worse, and I cannot believe that the government is already talking about Japan's "need for nuclear power."

Anyway, that is a topic for another week. This week, I am hoping that everyone will share their memories of that day. I'm looking forward to hearing your stories.


A Teacher's Duty?

I had an interesting experience yesterday.


I went to a home centre near my new house in Gifu to buy some carpet tiles and other stuff for my house.

The things I bought were quite heavy, so I put them in a trolley and pushed them out to the car park.

Unfortunately, the cart wasn't very well balanced, and when I hit a bump going down the slope, it crashed over onto its side, and everything fell out.

There was a middle-aged man walking behind me, but he just ignored me completely and kept on walking to his car.

Another man was coming the other way, but he just pretended not to see me on the floor trying to pick up all of my stuff.
I remember thinking that would never happen in Britain.
( 私は英国では決して起こらない、であろうと思いました)

Just as I was thinking that, though, a young guy of about eighteen came running over from his car to help me.

He had dyed brown/orange hair, and he looked like a "yankee," but he was the only person who bothered to stop to help me.

You sometimes hear people say that young people do not have very good manners, but from my experience yesterday, I would say it is the older generation who need some education in that department!

What kind of person do you have to be to just walk past when someone obviously needs help?

Anyway, that is not the topic for this week's blog.

The thing I want to talk about this week is the teachers in Osaka who have been suspended because they refused to stand and sing the Japanese national anthem.

Unusually for me, I am not really sure how I feel about this.

Part of me admires any Japanese person who dares to stand up to authority and express their individuality, but another part of me thinks that if you work for the country, and if the country pays your wages, then the schools have a right to tell you what to do during your working hours.

Anyway, I would be really interested to know what you all think about this.

Is it part of a teacher's job to sing the national anthem with students?

Or do you think every teacher has the right to decided whether they want to sing it or not?
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.