
A Song to Remember

Over the last few weeks, we have discussed some very serious subjects, so I thought it might be fun to do something a bit more light-hearted this week.


One purpose of this blog is to discuss controversial topics, but the other is to improve your English by picking up language from my entry and other people's comments and then trying to express your own thoughts in English. That is why we have the feedback article on a Friday.
controversial : 議論の; 論争の的になる,物議をかもす.


I have been thinking a lot about music over the last few days because we have lost two hugely talented artists very recently.


As you know, Donna Summer passed away last week, and I read today that Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees has also died of cancer.


I was a huge fan of both of them, so it was really sad to hear of their deaths.


Anyway, I thought it might be nice for everyone to introduce a song that has a special memory or meaning for you.


Tell us what the song is, when you first heard it, and why it is special to you. Mine is "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John.


Like pretty much every boy of my generation, I was completely in love with the Australian singer Olivia Newton-John.


I first saw her in the film "Grease," which I think was released in 1977, and which I have seen more times that I could possibly count.


Anyway, Olivia Newton-John had lots of hits after that in Britain and the US, and one of them was called "Physical."

ところで、オリビアニュートンジョンは英国やアメリカでその後も多くのヒット曲を飛ばしています。そしてその中の一曲でもある Physicalです。

I loved the song, but it was the video that had the biggest impact on me.


Until I saw that video, I had no idea that it was possible for men to have bodies like that. As I was about 14 at the time, I was starting to get very interested in girls, and I decided that if I could get a body like the guys in this video, I might be able to get a girl like Olivia Newton-John.


I know it sounds silly, but hey, I was 14!
After I watched the video, I persuaded my parents to buy me a thing called a "Bullworker," which was basically a big tube with springs and a strap on either side.


You could use it to exercise almost every part of your body. I started exercising with this every day, and before long, I saved up enough money to buy a barbell and some weights to keep in my bedroom.


I trained really hard, and although I never got a woman like Olivia Newton-John, I did manage to develop quite big muscles, especially in my arms and shoulders.


All my friends and family thought I was crazy, and they all said I would give up after a few months.


Well, I just turned 45, and guess where I'm going this evening... To the gym! These days, it's more about trying to get rid of my middle-age spread than developing muscles, but I still enjoy weight training as much as I did when I started it all those years ago. And who knows - I might never have discovered it if it hadn't been for this video!
these days: 今日この頃
middle-age spread:中年太り


Look forward to hearing your stories.


Changes to the Blog

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend. I drove to Ibaraki and back for a conference, so it was quite tiring. The weather was good, though, and it was a nice drive.


From this week, we are going to be making some changes to the way this blog is run. Actually, we are going to be moving it. 


Because the blog is hosted on ALC's servers, I have very limited control over it. 


The ALC staff are extremely helpful and friendly, but I want to have the blog hosted on servers that I can control. 


Recently, I have redesigned the home page of my publishing company, BTB Press, and I have decided to run two blogs on that site - one for teachers, and one for learners. The one for learners will be a continuation of this blog.


Of course, having a blog on the ALC site is great because the site has so many visitors, so I have come up with the following plan:


On Mondays, I will post a new topic as usual on both the ALC site and on my own site. 

From next week, the comments feature on the ALC site will be disabled, so if you want to read or write comments, you will have to visit my site. 


The "feedback" entry on Fridays will only be published on my site. 


This system makes life easier for the ALC staff because they don't have to deal with the spam problem. It is better for me because I can have more control, and I can also see how many people are visiting the blog.


Of course, I am a bit scared about spam comments, so I'm going to try the experiment for a week to see if it works. 


On my site, you will have to input your name, your email address, and a code that you can see on the screen. 


Your email address will not be used for anything at all, so please don't worry about that. 


I hate companies that collect people's data and use it to make money, so I would never do that. 


The system is, however, that the first time you write a comment, it will have to be approved by me before it gets published. 


On your screen, it will look as though it has been posted, but other people will not be able to see it until I approve it. Once I have approved one of your comments, any other comments you make will go straight through. 


I am going to try this system to see how it works. If we have a big problem with spam comments, I will have to think again about the security system.


If you have any comments about these changes, please post them here. If you would like to see this week's topic, please visit www.btbpress.com, click on "Blogs" on the top menu, and select "BTB Blog for Learners." 

もしあなたがこれらの変更について意見があれば、ここに投稿してみてください。もし今週の話題が良いと思えば www.btbpress.com を訪問してみてください。そして「ブログ」というメニューをクリックして、「BTB Blog for Learners」を選んでみてください。

You will see last week's topic there as well, because I wanted to do some practice before I told everyone about the changes.


Anyway, thanks for your understanding, and hope to see you on my website!


A Nuclear-Free Japan?

Hi everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your Golden Week holiday, although as many of you are mothers, I suppose it is not really much of a holiday at all.


I saw the news about the tornado in Ibaraki last night, and I couldn't believe it when I watched the video of it on YouTube.


If any of you live in that area, I hope that you were not too badly affected.


I always knew that Japan had earthquakes and tsunami, but I never knew about the tornadoes! Can you imagine what would happen if that storm had hit Fukushima? It doesn't bear thinking about.


As I'm sure you all know, Japan is now generating all of its electricity from non-nuclear sources because the last online reactor in Hokkaido was shut down on Saturday.


I have seen lots of stories in the press about how there are going to be power shortages in the summer, and apparently, using alternative sources of power is costing Japan an extra $100 million per day.


The problem with these stories is that it is impossible to know whether we should believe them or not, because the nuclear industry and the government have been lying to the Japanese public about nuclear power for decades.


The power companies want to get the nuclear generators turned back on because they make lots of money from them, and the government bureaucrats are backing them up because they want to make sure their future amakudari will be safe.


It is heartening to see that many more Japanese people are starting to oppose the government, but Japan is in a very difficult position at the moment because it has been reliant on nuclear power for too long.
heartening: 元気づける、鼓舞する
reliant :頼って


Going back to the problem of trust, it is unbelievable that the government still has not set up an independent group to review the safety of nuclear power stations.


As I understand it, the systems in place today are exactly the same as the ones that were in place before the disaster. Nothing has changed at all. How is that possible after a disaster that killed tens of thousands of people?
in Place: 決まった場所に、適当に、適切で


My own view is that the government should:


1) Set up an independent body to review the safety of all reactors. This body should include experts from outside Japan.


2) Choose ten or fifteen of the newest, safest reactors, and turn them back on when all the proper safety checks have been done.proper : 適切な、ふさわしい、ちゃんとした


3) Close down all the old reactors and the ones that are built on fault lines.
built on :~を基として


4) Set a target date for becoming nuclear free.


5) Invest heavily in other power sources such as geo-thermal and solar.
geo-thermal :地熱発電


So my question this week is simple: do you think the nuclear power stations should be started up again - yes, or no? Would you prefer to have some power shortages
in the summer or live with the risk of another nuclear accident?


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Golden Week Break

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late entry. I was away at the weekend, and I didn't get back home until about 12.30 last night.


As some of you pointed out, there were some more terrible accidents involving careless drivers and children last week.


In one of the them (I think it was the one in Aichi), the driver said he "lost concentration because he was thinking about his job."


Of course, I don't know anything about this incident, but that sounds like a very strange story to me.


I would guess that the real reason was that he was texting someone or reading something on his phone. I see this so often now that is has become normal.


I even saw three people doing it on the expressway last night.


There was also a terrible story about a bus crash in which 7 people were killed.


I'm not sure whether the number of accidents is increasing, or whether it is just a horrible coincidence, but I hope something will be done to make the roads safer.
horrible: ぞっとする、恐ろしい


And did you see the story about the mother in Nagano who dropped her 2-month-old baby into a river? Is that even possible?!


I have decided not to start a new topic this week because I am going to be busy from Thursday, and I'm sure a lot of you are as well.


Feel free to post any news about what you are doing over the holiday (if you have one!), and I will start a new topic next week.


Bye for now.