
Legal Minors

Hi everyone,
Hope you had a nice weekend. 


After I read your comments, I realized that something else must have happened, so I checked out the news on Japan Today. 

皆さんのコメントを読んだ後に、何か別の出来事が起こったことに気付きました。それで私はJapan Todayのニュースを見ました。

This was a really terrible story, and I cannot imagine what the husband of the lady who died is feeling, especially since she was carrying his baby.


And all that just because some stupid kid thought it would be fun to drive around all night with his friends even though he didn't have a driver's license. 
all that : それほどまでに
Just because : だからといって


The real tragedy is that because he is a legal minor, his name cannot be released to the press, and he can only be sent to jail for a maximum of about five years despite the fact that he has ruined so many people's lives.
tragedy : 悲劇
legal : 法律
minor : 未成年
despite  : にもかかわらず
ruined : 台無しにする


When stories like this come up, commentators on Japan Today often talk about the strange legal position of 18- and 19-year olds in Japan. 

この様な事件が発生するとJapan Todayのコメンテーター達は18歳から19歳の人たちに対しての日本の法律がおかしい、という話しになるのです。

For example, an 18-year-old cannot drink or smoke, but they can get married and have children; they cannot buy pornographic books or movies, but they can star in them, and they can work at places like Soapland; they cannot be tried as adults for committing a criminal offence, but they can become police officers and arrest other people. 
star in : 主演する


And of course, as we have seen from this terrible story, they can drive, but they can only be lightly punished even if they kill someone.


Doesn't this seem a little bit strange? In Britain, you can get married and smoke at 16, drive a car at 17, and drink alcohol and vote at 18. (This is called "the age of consent.") 


If I remember correctly, anyone over the age of 13 can be tried as an adult for a criminal offense in the UK if a judge decides that is appropriate. 
appropriate :ふさわしい、適当


I'm not sure what the situation is in the US, but I think it varies from state to state. Of course, you cannot drink in the US until you are 21, which also seems a bit strange to me.


Anyway, I was wondering what you all think about this aspect of the case? 


Does it make sense that there are millions of people in Japan who can get married, drive cars, and serve as police officers, but who are not officially considered to be adults?Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
make sense : 意味をなす、有意義である




Who is responsible?

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend. I went to Suzuka on Sunday to watch Tonari san race in the Japan Superbikes for the first time. He came last, but he was riding against professional riders and teams, so he did really well even to qualify for the race.
for the first time:初めて 
qualify  :適格としている


At the moment, he is making plans to ride in the 8-hour endurance race in July. If he does, I will probably go along as pit crew, so that should be fun.

endurance: 耐久、我慢


Did you see the story last week about the young man who had an epileptic seizure while he was driving and killed and injured a number of people?
seizure :発作


It was a similar set of circumstances to the crane driver who killed some children a while back, but this time, the driver died.
circumstances  :状況


It was a really tragic story, and I feel very sorry for everyone involved in both of these incidents.
tragic :悲劇的な、痛ましい
involved  :難解な、関係して


The thing that interested me most about this story was the idea that the young man's family might now have to pay compensation to the families of the people he killed.
compensation :賠償金


Of course, his insurance will not pay anything because he lied on his application by not mentioning his condition.
insurance :保険金


That is a terrible thing to do, but you can kind of understand his way of thinking. If he had told people about his epilepsy, it would have been very difficult for him to get a job, and everyone needs to earn a living.kind of:ほとんど、大体(副詞的に)
epilepsy :てんかん


I guess that like most people, he just though, "I'll probably be okay."


Apparently, his family and his doctor had begged him not to drive, but he ignored them. 


But what should his family have done in that situation? They could not force him to stop driving, so their only choice would be to report him to the police.


Would any of you be prepared to do that to a member of your own family?


I'm not sure that I would. A few years ago, I wrote about a friend of mine whose father regularly drinks and drives.


She and her mother asked him many times to stop, but he wouldn't. He was a school teacher, so if they had reported him to the police, he would have lost his job, and their family would have had no money.


On the other hand, if he killed someone, his wife and daughters might have ended up paying for his mistake, especially if he died or went to jail.


So what do you think?


Should members of a family be responsible for the actions of an individual?


What can people do if one of their family is doing something that they know is illegal and/or dangerous?


Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
proposal :提案


The Death Penalty

I started my new job today. I had the 辞令式 this morning, and then I spent the rest of the day cleaning my office and getting ready to move in.


At every other university I have worked at, I had to sign a contract, but today, I was treated just the same as the Japanese newcomers.


It was a nice feeling. There was a lot of paperwork that had to be done, but the office
staff were really nice and helpful, so it wasn't too bad.


As I'm sure you will have seen in the news, the Japanese government decided to execute three prisoners last week, so I thought this would be an interesting topic for us to discuss.


I guess that many of you will not like this topic, but I think the only way for Japan to have a bright future is for regular citizens like you to start thinking and talking more about serious issues like this.


Even if you don't want to comment on the topic, I hope you will read my entry and at least think about it.


Let me say right up front that I am strongly opposed to the death penalty. I am very glad to come from a country that outlawed this barbaric form of punishment many years ago.

outlawed: に反して、あるいは、法律によって禁ずる
barbaric: 野蛮人の(ような).
punishment: 処罰,刑罰 〔for〕.


There are three main reasons why I object to the executions that took place last week:
object:  〔…に〕反対する,異議[不服]を唱える,抗議する  


1) I do not think it is right or civilized for governments to murder their citizens, no matter what they have done. Two wrongs do not make a right.
civilized : 文明化された
murder: 殺害する


2) Time and time again, there have been examples in many countries of people being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death.

convicted:    有罪を宣告されている
sentenced : 宣告する 《★しばしば受身で用いる》. 


This is a particular problem in Japan, where the justice system has very serious flaws.

flaw: 欠陥


Did you see the story last week about two prosecutors in Osaka who were found guilty of fabricating evidence to make an innocent female politician look guilty?

prosecutors: 検察官
guilty :犯人
fabricate: 作り上げる でっち上げる
innocent: 無罪の


This is a terrible crime, but they were not even sent to prison! Unfortunately, I suspect that this is just the normal way of doing business for the Japanese criminal justice system.
crime: 犯罪
suspect : 気づく、疑う、~ではないかと思う

The courts, the police, and the prosecutors work together to make sure that everyone who is arrested is found guilty, whether they actually committed the crime or not.
arrested : 逮捕された
commit: 犯す


Apparently, there are some judges who have never found anyone "not guilty" in a career lasting 20 or 30 years! Common sense should tell us that something has to be seriously wrong there.
last: 続いた


The problem appears to be that people are prepared to do anything to avoid having to admit mistakes.
avoid : 避ける 


In many cases, the only evidence against the accused person is a "confession" obtained by police during interviews where no lawyer is present and no record is kept of what actually happened or what was said.

accused  : 罪を問われた
confession : 自白
obtain : 手に入れる
present : 出席して


When I was in the police, every interview we did had to be tape recorded, and we were forbidden from speaking to a prisoner without a lawyer present if one had been requested.


The prisoner's welfare was the responsibility of the custody sergeant, who had no connection to the arrest or investigation.

welfare  : 福祉,福利; 幸福,繁栄.
custody:  保護,管理; (後見人としての)保護[監督,養育](の義務,権利) 〔of〕.
sergeant:  巡査部長 (police sergent; ⇒police 【解説】).
arrest :  逮捕,検挙,拘引.
investigation :  調査,取り調べ,捜査; 研究 〔into〕.


Basically, if anything happened to the prisoner, it would be the sergeant's fault, so he or she was always very careful to make sure the arresting officer followed the rules.


As far as I know, there is no such system in Japan.


Nowadays, I think interviews in the UK even have to be video-taped.


Anyway, I have lost count of the number of stories I have heard of Japanese police forcing people to confess to things they did not do.
confess : 自白する


I sometimes hear discussions about the need to record police interviews, but the police always object, saying that it will stop them from doing their job.


Actually, of course, it would force them to do their job properly, which is why they oppose it.


With a deeply flawed justice system like this, I think it is way too dangerous for Japan to have the death penalty.
flawed : 欠陥がある様


Many of you might support the idea of killing criminals, but imagine this scenario: your husband or son is walking home from work one night, and he is a bit drunk.


He falls over and cuts his hand on a bottle, so he is bleeding. In a park nearby, a young girl has been raped and stabbed.


She is dying, but before she dies, she gives the police a description of a man that just happens to be very similar to your husband or son.


The police see him staggering along the road with blood on his hands, and he is arrested and taken into custody. The police "interview" him for five days.
staggering : 千鳥足の、よろめく
arrested : 逮捕された
custody : 拘留され


They suspect that they may have got the wrong man, but they are too scared to admit it, so they keep on interviewing him.


They do not give him access to a lawyer, and no one knows what they are saying or doing to him.


No one contacts you, so you have no idea where he is. A week later, the police announce that he has "confessed" to the crime, and he is tried and sentenced to death. 

sentenced :宣言する


That may sound like a far-fetched story, but in modern-day Japan, it is quite possible


3) Apparently, Japan executes prisoners by hanging them from the neck. Hanging!? In the 21st century? That sounds like something from the 15th century to me!


As you can see, this is a subject that I feel very strongly about, probably because of my past career.


Having said that, please feel free (as always!) to disagree.


The newspapers keep telling us that 85% of the Japanese public are in favour of the death penalty, although no details are ever given about how this data was collected.


If it is true, though, pretty much all of you should be disagreeing with me, which should make for a lively discussion!

lively : 活発な 


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


When someone mentioned babysitting a couple of weeks ago, I thought that it would be a good topic for this blog.


When I was a child, my parents sometimes went out for an evening, sometimes as a couple, and sometimes with friends.


This is normal in my country. When couples go out, they normally pay someone to look after the children, and this person is called a babysitter.

Of course, the babysitter gets paid, so it is a very popular part-time job for teenagers, especially girls.


Actually, the term "babysitting" is not very accurate, because most people do not go out until their children are a bit older.
accurate :正確な

Anyway, pretty much anyone can be a babysitter - even I used to do it!


Mind you, the girl I used to babysit for is now a mother herself, which is a bit scary.


My brothers and I used to have a babysitter called Carol.


She was really lovely, so we all used to get very excited when my parents went out.

Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, there is no system of babysitting in Japan.


Couples do not usually go out together without their children, and no one would leave their kids with anyone other than a family member.

anyone other than : ~以外の人には誰にも


Is that right? I suppose the biggest difference between Japan and the West is that couples in the West still think of themselves as "a couple" even after they have children.

In Japan, people seem to change their identities and become "mum and dad."

Actually, I remember a friend of mine who married a Japanese woman complaining about this.


He said that after they had children, she completely lost interest in him and focussed all her attention on the children. 

He suggested that they needed to spend some time together, and that they should go out and leave the children with her parents, but she refused.


I found out a couple of weeks ago that they recently split up and are going to get divorced.

I guess that dealing with cultural differences is one of the most difficult parts of international marriage.
dealing :交際関係

So anyway, what do you think about the idea of paying someone to look after your children so that you and your husband (or wife) can go out on a date?

Have you ever done that? Would you like to do it? Why do you think it is not common in Japan?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


An Unthinkable Crime

Sorry for the late entry. I switched computer servers last night, and I had to redo all of my email settings on all of my devices today and figure out how the new system works.


It has been a very stressful day!

As you know, I have been reading the Japan Today website a lot recently, and I have been amazed at the number of stories about mothers killing their children.

あなたたちもしている通り、私は最近よくJapan Todayのウェブサイトを読んでいます。そして母親が彼らの子供を殺害する、という話の数に驚いています。

Just last week, a mother strangled her three small children and then tried to kill herself.


There have been a lot of comments about these stories on the JT website, many of them focussing on the problem of post-natal depression. ("Post" means "after," and "natal" refers to the birth of a child.)


Many of the commenters have mentioned the pressure that exists in Japan for people to appear normal and happy even when they are not.


As we discussed in a previous entry, "gaman" and "gambaru" are strong points of the Japanese national character, but they also lead to situations where people do not complain even when they should, and do not ask for help even when they really need it.


I have no idea how a mother could kill her own child, but there do seem to be a lot of these stories recently.

Is it just my imagination? Has it always been like this, or is this a new phenomenon?


Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic of post-natal depression, and I would also like to hear what those of you who are mothers (apparently most of you!) think when you read stories like this.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.