
Things That English Speakers Get Wrong

In the comments on the last entry, Anne asked whether there is a difference between a vicious “circle” and a vicious “cycle.” 
vicious circle :悪循環
前回のエントリー内のコメントでAnneは「vicious circle」と「vicious cycle」(共に悪循環)の違いについて質問していました。

Actually, these two expressions have the same meaning, and both are commonly used, although I think “circle” is probably the original. 

Last week on a BBC radio show that I often listen to, they did a feature on common sayings and expressions that people get wrong. (I am talking about native speakers of English, not learners.)
get ~ wrong:~を誤解する

People make mistakes in their own language for a number of reasons. With common expressions and phrases, this often happens in English because someone mishears someone else (often a parent), and then starts using the expression wrongly.
parent : 元になる 

One good example of this is the expression “I couldn’t care less.” The meaning of this phrase is “I don’t care at all. In fact, it would not be possible for me to care any less than I do, because that amount is zero.” 
make any sense : 意味を成さない 
一つのいい例として「I couldn’t care less」という表現があります。このフレーズの意味は「私は少しも心配していません。事実私ができることよりもより少なくしか心配することができないでしょう。なぜならその合計はゼロだからです」

In everyday English, however, it is common to hear people say “I could care less,” which doesn’t make any sense at all.
しかしながら、日常的な英語のなかで、人々からそれからは全く何も感じることができないI could care less」などという言葉を聞くのはめずらしくありません。

Another one I hear a lot is “I did it off my own back.” This should be “I did it off my own bat.” 
もう一つ私がよく耳にするのは「I did it off my own back」という表現です。これは「I did it off my own bat」という文章であるべきです。

It is a metaphor taken from the sport of cricket, and it means that you did something without anyone else’s help.

“Off my own back” has no meaning at all, but it is amazing how many people say it.
Off my own back」という文には意味はまったくありませんが、驚くことに多くの人たちがこの言葉を使うのです。

Here is an article from a UK newspaper that lists some other common mistakes.

It is not just sayings like these that native speakers get wrong because they mishear them.

The same thing happens with everyday language. Have you heard of the song “It must of been love”? No, neither have I!
everyday language:日常使用する言語
同じようなことが日常的に使用する言葉の中で起きます。「It must of been love”」という歌を聞いたことがありますか?いいえ、私は両方(見たことも、聴いたことも)ありません。

The correct title is “It must have been love,” but in phrases like “must have” and “could have,” the word “have” is pronounced in a way that makes it sound like “of,” and a large number of people in the UK now actually think that is correct!
正しいタイトルは「It must have been love」です。しかし「must have」や「could have」の様なフレーズにおいて、「have」という言葉は「of」のように聞こえるように発音されます。そして現在英国に住む多くの人達はそれを正しい、と考えているのです。

A man who lives near my parents in Wales runs his own business advising people on the language used in their websites.

He told me that almost every site he looks at has serious mistakes in either grammar, spelling, or both.

I have another friend who is a financial adviser, and when I looked at his company’s website, I found mistakes in almost all of the staff introductions.

One of the most common mistakes is the incorrect use of apostrophes, particularly the difference between “it’s” and “its.”

You would not believe how many native speakers of English are not sure of the difference between those two words.

Other common mistakes are “your/you’re” and “their/there/they’re.”

Anyway, I thought that as learners of English, it might cheer you up to know that native speakers use the language incorrectly all the time.

I was also thinking that it might be interesting to discuss some things that Japanese people often get wrong in Japanese. That would probably cheer learners like me up!

Look forward to hearing your ideas.


Five Words That Will Damage Japan's Future

This is a topic that I have been thinking about a lot recently.

I wasn’t sure how to explain it, but I hope you will be able to understand what I mean.

The problem is not the words themselves, but rather the ideas and attitudes that lie behind them.

As you know, I love Japan, and I now consider it my home.

Like many of you, however, I worry about the future. In particular, I worry about how the country is being damaged for the next generation.

Here are five words that I believe are causing the most problems.

Many years ago, I worked part-time at a high school in Sapporo.

I asked one of the women in the office if it would be possible for me to get health insurance even though I was employed part-time.

She said that she would check and get back to me.

A week later, I went to ask her again, and she said: ちょっと難しいみたい. (It’s a bit difficult.) I said, “That’s very interesting, but I didn’t ask you whether it was easy or not; I asked you whether it is possible or not. Are you saying that it is impossible?”

 She looked shocked, and said that she would check again.

A few days later, she came to find me to tell me that she had found out it was possible after all! I hate the word muzukashii because it is often used as an excuse by people who just can’t be bothered to do something.
after all : とにかく
bothered :煩わしい

Unfortunately, Japanese people usually just accept this answer.

This way of thinking needs to change, particularly in a country where so much is controlled by beaurocrats who spend their lives collecting large salaries for doing very little work.
beaurocrats :官僚

 (I knew a girl once who got a six-month contract position working at Sapporo City Hall. She got told off by her boss after the first day for working too fast! He said, “If you finish all that, there will be nothing else for you to do, so please go more slowly.”)
get + 過去分詞 : ~される(受け身的に使われる)

This is a word that I hear a lot in Japanese universities, but I suspect that it is just as common in Japanese society in general. Basically, it is just an excuse for inaction.
excuse :言い訳

By saying that you are doing kentou, you can disguise the fact that you are actually doing nothing.
disguise :偽装する
by :~によって

Of course, when you have finished doing 検討, if you still don’t want to do anything, you can then recommend 再検討! Unfortunately, I think that far too much 検討 goes on in Japan, and nowhere near enough action.
nowhere : どこにも~ない

Although I realise that there are a lot of good aspects to the culture of “preserving harmony,” this way of thinking is the enemy of change.

We have a saying in English that “you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.” It basically means that you have to disrupt the status quo in order to make positive change.
status quo : 現状、そのままの状態

I think that Japanese society tends to put so much emphasis on preserving wa that it is almost impossible to change anything, because change inevitably disturbs harmony.tend to : 〜しがちである

I hope Japan will be able to find a way to make the changes that need to be made without abandoning this part of its culture.

This phrase basically makes anything that follows it completely meaningless.

It means “this is the rule, but it’s not really a rule.” It is often the case in Japan that everyone sees the need to make a change, but that one group of people object to that change.
object to : 反対する

The solution is usually to make a 原則として “rule.” This allows people to pretend that a change has been made without actually changing anything in reality.

We have talked about this before, and I think you all know how I feel about it. Amakudari is like a cancer in Japanese society, and until it is stopped, there is no chance that things will get better.

It also costs lives, as we saw at the Fukushima Power Plant last year.


So, those are my top five. What do you think? Am I misunderstanding anything? Have I missed any?

Can you add to the list? Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Too Old to Drive?

On my way into work this morning, I saw an elderly lady getting out of her car, which was parked in the middle of the road at a busy junction. 

I thought she might have broken down, so I pulled into a convenience store and walked back to find out. 
break down: 破綻する、たたき壊す
pull into : 引き入れる
私は彼女が??したのかも知れないと思って 車が故障したのかな?と思って、コンビニエンスストアに車を止めて、彼女を見つけるために歩いて戻りました。

I asked her if she was okay, and she said that her engine had just stopped.

The car was in a dangerous position, so I offered to push her to a safe spot on the side.

As I started to push, she put the car into gear (it was a manual transmission), so I had to tell her to leave it in neutral.
as : 〜している時
leave : 〜にしておく??

As I was pushing her, another man came to help me, and we soon got her to the side of the road.
get: 動かす??

She said that she didn’t have a telephone, so we asked her where she lived and who we could call to come and get her.

She seemed quite confused, and I’m not sure she really understood what was going on. 

I asked her if it was possible that she might have run out of gas, but she said that she had plenty.
run out : 尽きる

I thought that she might have a flat battery, so I asked her if I could try the engine. 
flat battery:バッテリー切れ

When I turned the key, it started straight away!

I think that she had stalled the engine at the junction and then just become confused. Anyway, she got back into the car, and shot off at high speed up the road.
stall : 停止、エンスト
shot off :発射、発車する


I don't really know anything about this woman, but I am quite sure that she should not have been driving.

She didn’t really seem to understand what was happening, and she was definitely not sufficiently alert and aware to be driving on a busy road.
sufficiently: 十分に

In recent months, there have been a number of stories in the press here in Japan about older people causing accidents.

For example, there was an incident in Nagoya a few weeks ago where an elderly man got confused and pressed the accelerator instead of the brake, crashing his car into a cafe and injuring some people.

As the number of old people in Japan keeps growing, I’m sure we will start hearing more and more of these kinds of stories.

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to a talk show on BBC radio about this topic.

The presenter was asking people how they coped with elderly relatives who are too old to drive, but who refuse to stop. It was a very interesting discussion.

Of course, it is not just a question of age. My dad is 76, and he still drives all kinds of vehicles, including huge trucks. A couple of years ago, my brothers and I paid for him to go to a rally driving school for a day. vehicles:乗り物

He and all the other students (most much younger than him) had practice sessions with instructors all day, and then a time trial race at the end.

My dad was the fastest driver of the whole group! 

When I asked him last year if he was the oldest truck driver in Britain, he laughed. Apparently, there is a 90-year-old man who still drives the biggest type of trucks every day.

His family were worried about him, and they asked him to allow a driving instructor to sit in with him for a day. 

The instructor’s comment at the end was that the old man was an excellent driver, and that he had learned a lot from watching him!

So, this week, I want to ask you the following questions:

1) Do you think there should be an upper age limit for holding a driver’s license?

2) Do you think older people should have to take a test every year?

3) Have you had any experience with an elderly relative who refused to stop driving?



Many of you probably know the word "spam" from the phrase "spam email," but do you know what it actually means?

Spam is a meat product that was invented in 1937.

The name is a mixture of the words "spiced" and "ham." In 1970, the British comedy team "Monty Python" did a sketch about a cafe where the only thing on the menu was spam.
sketch :寸劇、小劇
名前の由来は「spiced」という言葉と「ham」という言葉を合体させたものです。1970年、英国のコメディアン「Monty Python」がメニューがSpamだけというカフェのコメディを演じました。

A customer tried to order breakfast without spam, but whatever he chose seemed to come with spam.

This sketch is really famous in Britain, and when email started to become popular, someone decided to call unsolicited junk emails "spam" as well.
unsolicited :求められていない

The name stuck, and now the word is used around the world.
stuck: stickの過去形 突き刺さる

Now, in fact, there are also derivatives of the word, including "spamming" and"spammers."
derivatives :引き出した、派生的な、独創性のない、新しさの欠けた

For those of you who are interested, here is the original Monty Python sketch.
興味のある人のために、、このURLはMonty Pythonのコメディのオリジナル動画です。

Now that I host this blog on my own server, I have to be really careful about spam comments.

One method I use is to remove the comments box from old entries. (I must remember to do that today!)

If you look at my old entries on the ALC blog, you will see thousands and thousands of spam comments.

ALC's home page is really popular, so unfortunately, it naturally attracts the attention of spammers.

Sometimes, they get hundreds of them every hour just on one blog!

Another type of security I use is to ask commenters to input a code that they can see on the screen.

Computers cannot read this code, so the only way for spammers to get around it is to pay teams of people to enter the comments manually. Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of people who do this.
get around :上手く避ける、乗り越える

If a spammer finds a site where comments can be posted without being approved, they will pay a team of people to attack it with spam comments that include links to other sites.
approve : 認める

So, the topic this week is spam emails.

Do you get a lot of them? What kind of emails do you receive? 

What methods do you use to try to stop them? If you don't have any stories about spam, feel free to talk about anything else connected to computer security.

A friend of mine recently had her Gmail account hacked, and the hacker sent a message to everyone in her address book saying that she was stuck in England and needed money urgently. 
urgently :至急に、緊急に

This is quite a famous scam, but even so, a few people told her later that they were thinking about sending money. 
scam :詐欺

Has something similar ever happened to you or anyone you know?

Look forward to hearing your stories.


United Breaks Guitars

Last week, we talked a bit about the sense of "duty" that Japanese people tend to have. This is one thing I really admire about Japan.
tend to: 〜しがちである


A few months ago, a group of bus drivers in my country won a huge amount of money on the national lottery. They had formed a syndicate at work, so they all shared the winnings.
national lottery:国民宝くじ

2、3ヶ月前、私の国のバスドライバーのグループが 富くじ(?)で勝って莫大な金額を得ました。彼らは仕事場においてグループを組織していましたので、彼らはすべての勝ち分を分け合いました。

I think there were about six of them. Anyway, when they found out they had won, they just didn't turn up for work the next day.
turn up: 折り返す 、現れる


They didn't care about inconveniencing the company or the customers - they basically didn't care about anything now that they were rich.


The strangest thing about this was that almost everyone in Britain laughed when they heard this news and said that they would have done the same.


Maybe it's because I have been in Japan for a long time, but I thought it was disgraceful behaviour.


Having said that, there are times when the Japanese sense of duty can abused by those in authority in order to just push people around and make them do things they don't want to do.

 in authority:権力者
in order to:〜するために
push around : 乱暴に取り扱う


In Japan, people are taught from a very young age that "gaman" is a sign of strength, but in the West, this would often be seen as a sign of weakness because you are letting yourself be bullied.

日本では我慢することが強さの証だということを若い頃から教えられますが、西洋では、 ときどきそれは弱さの証のように見られるでしょう、なぜなら自分自身をいじめているからです。

For that reason, Western people love to hear stories about people standing up for themselves, especially when they are fighting against a big organisation like a famous company or the government.


Last week, one of my best friends, who lives in Canada, sent me a story that has been on the news over there. Here is what happened...


A musician named Dave Carroll from Halifax Nova Scotia had difficulty with United Airlines.

Dave Carroll というHalifax Nova Scotiaから来たミュージシャンはUnited Airlines とトラブルを抱えていました。

He spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor Guitar.

彼は9ヶ月以上、荷物持ちによって傷つけられた彼のカスタムメイドのTaylor Guitarの(修理費)支払いをしてもらうためにUnitedに対して要求するのに費やしていました。

During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for YouTube exposing their lack of cooperation.
lack of:〜が足りない


The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal." Of course, this was a sarcastic comment that meant, "We are not scared of you - you have no power to threaten us."


Anyway, Dave wrote his song and posted his video on YouTube. If you listen to the lyrics, you will be able to hear the story.


The video has since received over 11 million hits, and Dave has now written several follow-up songs and even a book! United Airlines has subsequently contacted the musician and offered to pay him to take down the video.
take down: おろす、壊す

このビデオは1億1千万のアクセス数を超えています。そしてDaveは今、何曲か続編の曲を書いたり本までも書いたりしました。United Airlinesはその後このミュージシャンと契約を結び、このビデオを引き取るために彼にお金を払いたいという要請をおこないました。

Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal."


Taylor Guitars sent the musician two new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has led to a sharp increase in orders.
in appreciation: お礼に
sharp increase:大幅増

Taylor Guitarsはこの順調に大幅増に導いてくれたビデオによって製品知名度が上がったお礼として彼に2台の新しいギターを送りました。

People love this story because this guy was not prepared to do "gaman." He was not afraid to take on this huge company, and he succeeded in making himself famous, and in making them look like fools.
prepared : 〜する気がある
take on : 相手にする


This week, I would like to hear any tales you have about either you or someone you know refusing to do "gaman" and standing up for yourself. Look forward to hearing your stories.
tale : 話



Home Alone

Over the weekend, I had a lot of spam attacks on the site, so I have decided to disable comments for all the old entries as soon as I write a new one.


You will still be able to read the old comments, but you won’t be able to add any new ones. I have also disabled “trackbacks.”


I’m still not exactly sure what they are, but I don’t use them myself, and I was getting a lot of trackback spam.


If you think it is important for me to allow them, please let me know.


Last week, I read a story on Japan Today about a toddler who died when his mother and father were out and he had been left home alone.
toddler :よちよち歩きの子供

先週、私はよちよち歩きの子供が亡くなった記事をJapan Todayで読みました。彼の母親と父親は外出しており、一人家に残されていたのです。

I think he fell off the balcony, if I remember correctly.


Anyway, it was a very sad story. In the comments, one person wrote that a Japanese friend of his (or hers) said that it is common for mothers in Japan to leave small children alone when they need to pop out to go to the shops or the bank.


The opinion of most of the other foreigners was that small children should never be left at home alone, so I was wondering what you all think about that.


Incidentally, I wasn’t sure about the situation in the UK, so I looked it up.


This is the advice given on the UK government website.


There is no legal age limit for leaving a child on their own, but it is an offence to leave a child alone if it places them at risk.
legal age:成年


Parents can be prosecuted if they leave a child unsupervised ‘in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health’ (Children and Young Person’s Act).
unsupervised  :無監督の
in a manner:ある意味、幾分か
likely to : ~しそうだ


Personally, I can see how it might actually be less dangerous to leave a small baby on its own than to leave a toddler.


After all, babies cannot do anything apart from roll over, so if they are in a cot, they can’t really hurt themselves. Toddlers are different, though.
After all :なんと言っても
apart from :~は別として
roll over:寝返りを打つ


They can climb on things, pull things down, and basically hurt themselves in a million different ways.



Do you remember the photo I showed you of my friend Aoki san’s son Rui?


Just watching him running around and climbing on things makes me feel nervous!


His mum said that he finds about five or six new ways to hurt himself every day! I can’t imagine that she would ever leave him alone, at least not until he is much older.


So, my question this week is: is it okay to leave children alone in a house or an apartment? From what age do you think it is safe to do this?
そこで私の今週の質問は 子供を一人家かアパートに残して出かけることはあなたにとって大丈夫ですか?また何歳ぐらいから一人残していくことが出来ると思いますか?


A Song to Remember

Over the last few weeks, we have discussed some very serious subjects, so I thought it might be fun to do something a bit more light-hearted this week.


One purpose of this blog is to discuss controversial topics, but the other is to improve your English by picking up language from my entry and other people's comments and then trying to express your own thoughts in English. That is why we have the feedback article on a Friday.
controversial : 議論の; 論争の的になる,物議をかもす.


I have been thinking a lot about music over the last few days because we have lost two hugely talented artists very recently.


As you know, Donna Summer passed away last week, and I read today that Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees has also died of cancer.


I was a huge fan of both of them, so it was really sad to hear of their deaths.


Anyway, I thought it might be nice for everyone to introduce a song that has a special memory or meaning for you.


Tell us what the song is, when you first heard it, and why it is special to you. Mine is "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John.


Like pretty much every boy of my generation, I was completely in love with the Australian singer Olivia Newton-John.


I first saw her in the film "Grease," which I think was released in 1977, and which I have seen more times that I could possibly count.


Anyway, Olivia Newton-John had lots of hits after that in Britain and the US, and one of them was called "Physical."

ところで、オリビアニュートンジョンは英国やアメリカでその後も多くのヒット曲を飛ばしています。そしてその中の一曲でもある Physicalです。

I loved the song, but it was the video that had the biggest impact on me.


Until I saw that video, I had no idea that it was possible for men to have bodies like that. As I was about 14 at the time, I was starting to get very interested in girls, and I decided that if I could get a body like the guys in this video, I might be able to get a girl like Olivia Newton-John.


I know it sounds silly, but hey, I was 14!
After I watched the video, I persuaded my parents to buy me a thing called a "Bullworker," which was basically a big tube with springs and a strap on either side.


You could use it to exercise almost every part of your body. I started exercising with this every day, and before long, I saved up enough money to buy a barbell and some weights to keep in my bedroom.


I trained really hard, and although I never got a woman like Olivia Newton-John, I did manage to develop quite big muscles, especially in my arms and shoulders.


All my friends and family thought I was crazy, and they all said I would give up after a few months.


Well, I just turned 45, and guess where I'm going this evening... To the gym! These days, it's more about trying to get rid of my middle-age spread than developing muscles, but I still enjoy weight training as much as I did when I started it all those years ago. And who knows - I might never have discovered it if it hadn't been for this video!
these days: 今日この頃
middle-age spread:中年太り


Look forward to hearing your stories.


Changes to the Blog

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend. I drove to Ibaraki and back for a conference, so it was quite tiring. The weather was good, though, and it was a nice drive.


From this week, we are going to be making some changes to the way this blog is run. Actually, we are going to be moving it. 


Because the blog is hosted on ALC's servers, I have very limited control over it. 


The ALC staff are extremely helpful and friendly, but I want to have the blog hosted on servers that I can control. 


Recently, I have redesigned the home page of my publishing company, BTB Press, and I have decided to run two blogs on that site - one for teachers, and one for learners. The one for learners will be a continuation of this blog.


Of course, having a blog on the ALC site is great because the site has so many visitors, so I have come up with the following plan:


On Mondays, I will post a new topic as usual on both the ALC site and on my own site. 

From next week, the comments feature on the ALC site will be disabled, so if you want to read or write comments, you will have to visit my site. 


The "feedback" entry on Fridays will only be published on my site. 


This system makes life easier for the ALC staff because they don't have to deal with the spam problem. It is better for me because I can have more control, and I can also see how many people are visiting the blog.


Of course, I am a bit scared about spam comments, so I'm going to try the experiment for a week to see if it works. 


On my site, you will have to input your name, your email address, and a code that you can see on the screen. 


Your email address will not be used for anything at all, so please don't worry about that. 


I hate companies that collect people's data and use it to make money, so I would never do that. 


The system is, however, that the first time you write a comment, it will have to be approved by me before it gets published. 


On your screen, it will look as though it has been posted, but other people will not be able to see it until I approve it. Once I have approved one of your comments, any other comments you make will go straight through. 


I am going to try this system to see how it works. If we have a big problem with spam comments, I will have to think again about the security system.


If you have any comments about these changes, please post them here. If you would like to see this week's topic, please visit www.btbpress.com, click on "Blogs" on the top menu, and select "BTB Blog for Learners." 

もしあなたがこれらの変更について意見があれば、ここに投稿してみてください。もし今週の話題が良いと思えば www.btbpress.com を訪問してみてください。そして「ブログ」というメニューをクリックして、「BTB Blog for Learners」を選んでみてください。

You will see last week's topic there as well, because I wanted to do some practice before I told everyone about the changes.


Anyway, thanks for your understanding, and hope to see you on my website!


A Nuclear-Free Japan?

Hi everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your Golden Week holiday, although as many of you are mothers, I suppose it is not really much of a holiday at all.


I saw the news about the tornado in Ibaraki last night, and I couldn't believe it when I watched the video of it on YouTube.


If any of you live in that area, I hope that you were not too badly affected.


I always knew that Japan had earthquakes and tsunami, but I never knew about the tornadoes! Can you imagine what would happen if that storm had hit Fukushima? It doesn't bear thinking about.


As I'm sure you all know, Japan is now generating all of its electricity from non-nuclear sources because the last online reactor in Hokkaido was shut down on Saturday.


I have seen lots of stories in the press about how there are going to be power shortages in the summer, and apparently, using alternative sources of power is costing Japan an extra $100 million per day.


The problem with these stories is that it is impossible to know whether we should believe them or not, because the nuclear industry and the government have been lying to the Japanese public about nuclear power for decades.


The power companies want to get the nuclear generators turned back on because they make lots of money from them, and the government bureaucrats are backing them up because they want to make sure their future amakudari will be safe.


It is heartening to see that many more Japanese people are starting to oppose the government, but Japan is in a very difficult position at the moment because it has been reliant on nuclear power for too long.
heartening: 元気づける、鼓舞する
reliant :頼って


Going back to the problem of trust, it is unbelievable that the government still has not set up an independent group to review the safety of nuclear power stations.


As I understand it, the systems in place today are exactly the same as the ones that were in place before the disaster. Nothing has changed at all. How is that possible after a disaster that killed tens of thousands of people?
in Place: 決まった場所に、適当に、適切で


My own view is that the government should:


1) Set up an independent body to review the safety of all reactors. This body should include experts from outside Japan.


2) Choose ten or fifteen of the newest, safest reactors, and turn them back on when all the proper safety checks have been done.proper : 適切な、ふさわしい、ちゃんとした


3) Close down all the old reactors and the ones that are built on fault lines.
built on :~を基として


4) Set a target date for becoming nuclear free.


5) Invest heavily in other power sources such as geo-thermal and solar.
geo-thermal :地熱発電


So my question this week is simple: do you think the nuclear power stations should be started up again - yes, or no? Would you prefer to have some power shortages
in the summer or live with the risk of another nuclear accident?


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Golden Week Break

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late entry. I was away at the weekend, and I didn't get back home until about 12.30 last night.


As some of you pointed out, there were some more terrible accidents involving careless drivers and children last week.


In one of the them (I think it was the one in Aichi), the driver said he "lost concentration because he was thinking about his job."


Of course, I don't know anything about this incident, but that sounds like a very strange story to me.


I would guess that the real reason was that he was texting someone or reading something on his phone. I see this so often now that is has become normal.


I even saw three people doing it on the expressway last night.


There was also a terrible story about a bus crash in which 7 people were killed.


I'm not sure whether the number of accidents is increasing, or whether it is just a horrible coincidence, but I hope something will be done to make the roads safer.
horrible: ぞっとする、恐ろしい


And did you see the story about the mother in Nagano who dropped her 2-month-old baby into a river? Is that even possible?!


I have decided not to start a new topic this week because I am going to be busy from Thursday, and I'm sure a lot of you are as well.


Feel free to post any news about what you are doing over the holiday (if you have one!), and I will start a new topic next week.


Bye for now.


Legal Minors

Hi everyone,
Hope you had a nice weekend. 


After I read your comments, I realized that something else must have happened, so I checked out the news on Japan Today. 

皆さんのコメントを読んだ後に、何か別の出来事が起こったことに気付きました。それで私はJapan Todayのニュースを見ました。

This was a really terrible story, and I cannot imagine what the husband of the lady who died is feeling, especially since she was carrying his baby.


And all that just because some stupid kid thought it would be fun to drive around all night with his friends even though he didn't have a driver's license. 
all that : それほどまでに
Just because : だからといって


The real tragedy is that because he is a legal minor, his name cannot be released to the press, and he can only be sent to jail for a maximum of about five years despite the fact that he has ruined so many people's lives.
tragedy : 悲劇
legal : 法律
minor : 未成年
despite  : にもかかわらず
ruined : 台無しにする


When stories like this come up, commentators on Japan Today often talk about the strange legal position of 18- and 19-year olds in Japan. 

この様な事件が発生するとJapan Todayのコメンテーター達は18歳から19歳の人たちに対しての日本の法律がおかしい、という話しになるのです。

For example, an 18-year-old cannot drink or smoke, but they can get married and have children; they cannot buy pornographic books or movies, but they can star in them, and they can work at places like Soapland; they cannot be tried as adults for committing a criminal offence, but they can become police officers and arrest other people. 
star in : 主演する


And of course, as we have seen from this terrible story, they can drive, but they can only be lightly punished even if they kill someone.


Doesn't this seem a little bit strange? In Britain, you can get married and smoke at 16, drive a car at 17, and drink alcohol and vote at 18. (This is called "the age of consent.") 


If I remember correctly, anyone over the age of 13 can be tried as an adult for a criminal offense in the UK if a judge decides that is appropriate. 
appropriate :ふさわしい、適当


I'm not sure what the situation is in the US, but I think it varies from state to state. Of course, you cannot drink in the US until you are 21, which also seems a bit strange to me.


Anyway, I was wondering what you all think about this aspect of the case? 


Does it make sense that there are millions of people in Japan who can get married, drive cars, and serve as police officers, but who are not officially considered to be adults?Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
make sense : 意味をなす、有意義である




Who is responsible?

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend. I went to Suzuka on Sunday to watch Tonari san race in the Japan Superbikes for the first time. He came last, but he was riding against professional riders and teams, so he did really well even to qualify for the race.
for the first time:初めて 
qualify  :適格としている


At the moment, he is making plans to ride in the 8-hour endurance race in July. If he does, I will probably go along as pit crew, so that should be fun.

endurance: 耐久、我慢


Did you see the story last week about the young man who had an epileptic seizure while he was driving and killed and injured a number of people?
seizure :発作


It was a similar set of circumstances to the crane driver who killed some children a while back, but this time, the driver died.
circumstances  :状況


It was a really tragic story, and I feel very sorry for everyone involved in both of these incidents.
tragic :悲劇的な、痛ましい
involved  :難解な、関係して


The thing that interested me most about this story was the idea that the young man's family might now have to pay compensation to the families of the people he killed.
compensation :賠償金


Of course, his insurance will not pay anything because he lied on his application by not mentioning his condition.
insurance :保険金


That is a terrible thing to do, but you can kind of understand his way of thinking. If he had told people about his epilepsy, it would have been very difficult for him to get a job, and everyone needs to earn a living.kind of:ほとんど、大体(副詞的に)
epilepsy :てんかん


I guess that like most people, he just though, "I'll probably be okay."


Apparently, his family and his doctor had begged him not to drive, but he ignored them. 


But what should his family have done in that situation? They could not force him to stop driving, so their only choice would be to report him to the police.


Would any of you be prepared to do that to a member of your own family?


I'm not sure that I would. A few years ago, I wrote about a friend of mine whose father regularly drinks and drives.


She and her mother asked him many times to stop, but he wouldn't. He was a school teacher, so if they had reported him to the police, he would have lost his job, and their family would have had no money.


On the other hand, if he killed someone, his wife and daughters might have ended up paying for his mistake, especially if he died or went to jail.


So what do you think?


Should members of a family be responsible for the actions of an individual?


What can people do if one of their family is doing something that they know is illegal and/or dangerous?


Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
proposal :提案


The Death Penalty

I started my new job today. I had the 辞令式 this morning, and then I spent the rest of the day cleaning my office and getting ready to move in.


At every other university I have worked at, I had to sign a contract, but today, I was treated just the same as the Japanese newcomers.


It was a nice feeling. There was a lot of paperwork that had to be done, but the office
staff were really nice and helpful, so it wasn't too bad.


As I'm sure you will have seen in the news, the Japanese government decided to execute three prisoners last week, so I thought this would be an interesting topic for us to discuss.


I guess that many of you will not like this topic, but I think the only way for Japan to have a bright future is for regular citizens like you to start thinking and talking more about serious issues like this.


Even if you don't want to comment on the topic, I hope you will read my entry and at least think about it.


Let me say right up front that I am strongly opposed to the death penalty. I am very glad to come from a country that outlawed this barbaric form of punishment many years ago.

outlawed: に反して、あるいは、法律によって禁ずる
barbaric: 野蛮人の(ような).
punishment: 処罰,刑罰 〔for〕.


There are three main reasons why I object to the executions that took place last week:
object:  〔…に〕反対する,異議[不服]を唱える,抗議する  


1) I do not think it is right or civilized for governments to murder their citizens, no matter what they have done. Two wrongs do not make a right.
civilized : 文明化された
murder: 殺害する


2) Time and time again, there have been examples in many countries of people being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death.

convicted:    有罪を宣告されている
sentenced : 宣告する 《★しばしば受身で用いる》. 


This is a particular problem in Japan, where the justice system has very serious flaws.

flaw: 欠陥


Did you see the story last week about two prosecutors in Osaka who were found guilty of fabricating evidence to make an innocent female politician look guilty?

prosecutors: 検察官
guilty :犯人
fabricate: 作り上げる でっち上げる
innocent: 無罪の


This is a terrible crime, but they were not even sent to prison! Unfortunately, I suspect that this is just the normal way of doing business for the Japanese criminal justice system.
crime: 犯罪
suspect : 気づく、疑う、~ではないかと思う

The courts, the police, and the prosecutors work together to make sure that everyone who is arrested is found guilty, whether they actually committed the crime or not.
arrested : 逮捕された
commit: 犯す


Apparently, there are some judges who have never found anyone "not guilty" in a career lasting 20 or 30 years! Common sense should tell us that something has to be seriously wrong there.
last: 続いた


The problem appears to be that people are prepared to do anything to avoid having to admit mistakes.
avoid : 避ける 


In many cases, the only evidence against the accused person is a "confession" obtained by police during interviews where no lawyer is present and no record is kept of what actually happened or what was said.

accused  : 罪を問われた
confession : 自白
obtain : 手に入れる
present : 出席して


When I was in the police, every interview we did had to be tape recorded, and we were forbidden from speaking to a prisoner without a lawyer present if one had been requested.


The prisoner's welfare was the responsibility of the custody sergeant, who had no connection to the arrest or investigation.

welfare  : 福祉,福利; 幸福,繁栄.
custody:  保護,管理; (後見人としての)保護[監督,養育](の義務,権利) 〔of〕.
sergeant:  巡査部長 (police sergent; ⇒police 【解説】).
arrest :  逮捕,検挙,拘引.
investigation :  調査,取り調べ,捜査; 研究 〔into〕.


Basically, if anything happened to the prisoner, it would be the sergeant's fault, so he or she was always very careful to make sure the arresting officer followed the rules.


As far as I know, there is no such system in Japan.


Nowadays, I think interviews in the UK even have to be video-taped.


Anyway, I have lost count of the number of stories I have heard of Japanese police forcing people to confess to things they did not do.
confess : 自白する


I sometimes hear discussions about the need to record police interviews, but the police always object, saying that it will stop them from doing their job.


Actually, of course, it would force them to do their job properly, which is why they oppose it.


With a deeply flawed justice system like this, I think it is way too dangerous for Japan to have the death penalty.
flawed : 欠陥がある様


Many of you might support the idea of killing criminals, but imagine this scenario: your husband or son is walking home from work one night, and he is a bit drunk.


He falls over and cuts his hand on a bottle, so he is bleeding. In a park nearby, a young girl has been raped and stabbed.


She is dying, but before she dies, she gives the police a description of a man that just happens to be very similar to your husband or son.


The police see him staggering along the road with blood on his hands, and he is arrested and taken into custody. The police "interview" him for five days.
staggering : 千鳥足の、よろめく
arrested : 逮捕された
custody : 拘留され


They suspect that they may have got the wrong man, but they are too scared to admit it, so they keep on interviewing him.


They do not give him access to a lawyer, and no one knows what they are saying or doing to him.


No one contacts you, so you have no idea where he is. A week later, the police announce that he has "confessed" to the crime, and he is tried and sentenced to death. 

sentenced :宣言する


That may sound like a far-fetched story, but in modern-day Japan, it is quite possible


3) Apparently, Japan executes prisoners by hanging them from the neck. Hanging!? In the 21st century? That sounds like something from the 15th century to me!


As you can see, this is a subject that I feel very strongly about, probably because of my past career.


Having said that, please feel free (as always!) to disagree.


The newspapers keep telling us that 85% of the Japanese public are in favour of the death penalty, although no details are ever given about how this data was collected.


If it is true, though, pretty much all of you should be disagreeing with me, which should make for a lively discussion!

lively : 活発な 


Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


When someone mentioned babysitting a couple of weeks ago, I thought that it would be a good topic for this blog.


When I was a child, my parents sometimes went out for an evening, sometimes as a couple, and sometimes with friends.


This is normal in my country. When couples go out, they normally pay someone to look after the children, and this person is called a babysitter.

Of course, the babysitter gets paid, so it is a very popular part-time job for teenagers, especially girls.


Actually, the term "babysitting" is not very accurate, because most people do not go out until their children are a bit older.
accurate :正確な

Anyway, pretty much anyone can be a babysitter - even I used to do it!


Mind you, the girl I used to babysit for is now a mother herself, which is a bit scary.


My brothers and I used to have a babysitter called Carol.


She was really lovely, so we all used to get very excited when my parents went out.

Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, there is no system of babysitting in Japan.


Couples do not usually go out together without their children, and no one would leave their kids with anyone other than a family member.

anyone other than : ~以外の人には誰にも


Is that right? I suppose the biggest difference between Japan and the West is that couples in the West still think of themselves as "a couple" even after they have children.

In Japan, people seem to change their identities and become "mum and dad."

Actually, I remember a friend of mine who married a Japanese woman complaining about this.


He said that after they had children, she completely lost interest in him and focussed all her attention on the children. 

He suggested that they needed to spend some time together, and that they should go out and leave the children with her parents, but she refused.


I found out a couple of weeks ago that they recently split up and are going to get divorced.

I guess that dealing with cultural differences is one of the most difficult parts of international marriage.
dealing :交際関係

So anyway, what do you think about the idea of paying someone to look after your children so that you and your husband (or wife) can go out on a date?

Have you ever done that? Would you like to do it? Why do you think it is not common in Japan?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


An Unthinkable Crime

Sorry for the late entry. I switched computer servers last night, and I had to redo all of my email settings on all of my devices today and figure out how the new system works.


It has been a very stressful day!

As you know, I have been reading the Japan Today website a lot recently, and I have been amazed at the number of stories about mothers killing their children.

あなたたちもしている通り、私は最近よくJapan Todayのウェブサイトを読んでいます。そして母親が彼らの子供を殺害する、という話の数に驚いています。

Just last week, a mother strangled her three small children and then tried to kill herself.


There have been a lot of comments about these stories on the JT website, many of them focussing on the problem of post-natal depression. ("Post" means "after," and "natal" refers to the birth of a child.)


Many of the commenters have mentioned the pressure that exists in Japan for people to appear normal and happy even when they are not.


As we discussed in a previous entry, "gaman" and "gambaru" are strong points of the Japanese national character, but they also lead to situations where people do not complain even when they should, and do not ask for help even when they really need it.


I have no idea how a mother could kill her own child, but there do seem to be a lot of these stories recently.

Is it just my imagination? Has it always been like this, or is this a new phenomenon?


Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic of post-natal depression, and I would also like to hear what those of you who are mothers (apparently most of you!) think when you read stories like this.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.