Hi everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend. I went to Suzuka on Sunday to watch Tonari san race in the Japan Superbikes for the first time. He came last, but he was riding against professional riders and teams, so he did really well even to qualify for the race.
for the first time:初めて
qualify :適格としている
At the moment, he is making plans to ride in the 8-hour endurance race in July. If he does, I will probably go along as pit crew, so that should be fun.
endurance: 耐久、我慢
Did you see the story last week about the young man who had an epileptic seizure while he was driving and killed and injured a number of people?
seizure :発作
It was a similar set of circumstances to the crane driver who killed some children a while back, but this time, the driver died.
circumstances :状況
It was a really tragic story, and I feel very sorry for everyone involved in both of these incidents.
tragic :悲劇的な、痛ましい
involved :難解な、関係して
The thing that interested me most about this story was the idea that the young man's family might now have to pay compensation to the families of the people he killed.
compensation :賠償金
Of course, his insurance will not pay anything because he lied on his application by not mentioning his condition.
insurance :保険金
That is a terrible thing to do, but you can kind of understand his way of thinking. If he had told people about his epilepsy, it would have been very difficult for him to get a job, and everyone needs to earn a living.kind of:ほとんど、大体(副詞的に)
epilepsy :てんかん
I guess that like most people, he just though, "I'll probably be okay."
Apparently, his family and his doctor had begged him not to drive, but he ignored them.
But what should his family have done in that situation? They could not force him to stop driving, so their only choice would be to report him to the police.
Would any of you be prepared to do that to a member of your own family?
I'm not sure that I would. A few years ago, I wrote about a friend of mine whose father regularly drinks and drives.
She and her mother asked him many times to stop, but he wouldn't. He was a school teacher, so if they had reported him to the police, he would have lost his job, and their family would have had no money.
On the other hand, if he killed someone, his wife and daughters might have ended up paying for his mistake, especially if he died or went to jail.
So what do you think?
Should members of a family be responsible for the actions of an individual?
What can people do if one of their family is doing something that they know is illegal and/or dangerous?
Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
proposal :提案
I hope you had a good weekend. I went to Suzuka on Sunday to watch Tonari san race in the Japan Superbikes for the first time. He came last, but he was riding against professional riders and teams, so he did really well even to qualify for the race.
for the first time:初めて
qualify :適格としている
At the moment, he is making plans to ride in the 8-hour endurance race in July. If he does, I will probably go along as pit crew, so that should be fun.
endurance: 耐久、我慢
Did you see the story last week about the young man who had an epileptic seizure while he was driving and killed and injured a number of people?
seizure :発作
It was a similar set of circumstances to the crane driver who killed some children a while back, but this time, the driver died.
circumstances :状況
It was a really tragic story, and I feel very sorry for everyone involved in both of these incidents.
tragic :悲劇的な、痛ましい
involved :難解な、関係して
The thing that interested me most about this story was the idea that the young man's family might now have to pay compensation to the families of the people he killed.
compensation :賠償金
Of course, his insurance will not pay anything because he lied on his application by not mentioning his condition.
insurance :保険金
That is a terrible thing to do, but you can kind of understand his way of thinking. If he had told people about his epilepsy, it would have been very difficult for him to get a job, and everyone needs to earn a living.kind of:ほとんど、大体(副詞的に)
epilepsy :てんかん
I guess that like most people, he just though, "I'll probably be okay."
Apparently, his family and his doctor had begged him not to drive, but he ignored them.
But what should his family have done in that situation? They could not force him to stop driving, so their only choice would be to report him to the police.
Would any of you be prepared to do that to a member of your own family?
I'm not sure that I would. A few years ago, I wrote about a friend of mine whose father regularly drinks and drives.
She and her mother asked him many times to stop, but he wouldn't. He was a school teacher, so if they had reported him to the police, he would have lost his job, and their family would have had no money.
On the other hand, if he killed someone, his wife and daughters might have ended up paying for his mistake, especially if he died or went to jail.
So what do you think?
Should members of a family be responsible for the actions of an individual?
What can people do if one of their family is doing something that they know is illegal and/or dangerous?
Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
proposal :提案
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