

When someone mentioned babysitting a couple of weeks ago, I thought that it would be a good topic for this blog.


When I was a child, my parents sometimes went out for an evening, sometimes as a couple, and sometimes with friends.


This is normal in my country. When couples go out, they normally pay someone to look after the children, and this person is called a babysitter.

Of course, the babysitter gets paid, so it is a very popular part-time job for teenagers, especially girls.


Actually, the term "babysitting" is not very accurate, because most people do not go out until their children are a bit older.
accurate :正確な

Anyway, pretty much anyone can be a babysitter - even I used to do it!


Mind you, the girl I used to babysit for is now a mother herself, which is a bit scary.


My brothers and I used to have a babysitter called Carol.


She was really lovely, so we all used to get very excited when my parents went out.

Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, there is no system of babysitting in Japan.


Couples do not usually go out together without their children, and no one would leave their kids with anyone other than a family member.

anyone other than : ~以外の人には誰にも


Is that right? I suppose the biggest difference between Japan and the West is that couples in the West still think of themselves as "a couple" even after they have children.

In Japan, people seem to change their identities and become "mum and dad."

Actually, I remember a friend of mine who married a Japanese woman complaining about this.


He said that after they had children, she completely lost interest in him and focussed all her attention on the children. 

He suggested that they needed to spend some time together, and that they should go out and leave the children with her parents, but she refused.


I found out a couple of weeks ago that they recently split up and are going to get divorced.

I guess that dealing with cultural differences is one of the most difficult parts of international marriage.
dealing :交際関係

So anyway, what do you think about the idea of paying someone to look after your children so that you and your husband (or wife) can go out on a date?

Have you ever done that? Would you like to do it? Why do you think it is not common in Japan?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

1 件のコメント:

  1. When I was born ,my aunt came to our home to help my mother. She came form Kagoshima Prefecture and she had stayed at our home for about a month. Off course I didn't remember it , but my mother sometimes said about it and appreciated her sister.
    In Japan, it's normal custom which our family or relative only help other family/relative.

    Also babysitting is same thinking for us. If we have parents and they live in near us ,exactly, we ask to babysit for them.

    When Mizuki was child , maybe 3 years old, we usually ask to babysit for wife's mother and she likes babysitting for Muzuki.

    If we ask babysitting for other people who is not family and relative , maybe we was said we don't have responsible.
    Japanese mind is protection.
